Monday, 18 November 2013

Love Liberates.

So I guess this is a continuation of my previous post.

Recent events have made me look at this differently, and I believe once you have a new outlook on things, you never really go back, especially if it's a liberating one.

Although we may have experienced the same situation together, does not necessarily mean that we will have the same reality, the same perception, the same feelings. And it's important that we acknowledge that, so that we won't be left with preconceived notions about how the other person should feel or behave.

Sometimes we expect certain behaviors simply because of how we ourselves view the world or how we ourselves act in certain situations, and this leaves us with unfulfilling relationships because we expect them to fit into our perception of things, which is unfair and unrealistic, and this usually causes rifts in so many relationships. It takes the beauty out of relationships that are suppose to bring joy into our lives, because we demand from persons what they may be unable to give, and in reality, what we may not even be able to give ourselves.

Unrealistic expectations leads to disappointments, not just expectations, but unrealistic ones, we expect persons to reciprocate what we sometimes don't give, we expect them to show us love, when we don't show them, we expect them to behave a particular way when we haven't given the chance or the tools to do so, we expect them to be upright, when we constantly put them down, we expect appreciation when we don't show appreciation, we expect forgiveness when we don't forgive, we expect selflessness when we are selfish in our giving.. We expect the cycle to break, when we give it longevity. We expect them to live our truths and our realities, when they have their own.. One that was forged by what we unrealistically expected from them. So we've taught them how to be messed up, how to not love, how to be angry, and hold grudges, because we could not admit that we were wrong, because we did not take the time to look within ourselves and admit we have issues, we did not see it fit to do whatever is necessary to fix ourselves... But somehow we expect it from them.

Take today to love, to show love, to forgive, to accept love, to ask for forgiveness, to forgive ourselves, to forget and move past hurt, to ask for understanding, to ask for support, to realize that the longer we stay stuck, the more strain we put on all relationships we have, the longer we take to fix us, the farther everyone who means something to us,goes.

Give yourself the opportunity to grow, to shed old weight and be free.. Liberate, liberate yourself and the people in your life.. love them, love you.. Love does not own, degrade, hurt, or anger.. It simply liberates. Love liberates.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Love is........

I don't believe that any two people meet at the same point in their lives.. Meaning that we're all at different physiological stages when we come across a potential partner, so then how can and why do we think that there is a flat set of wants and needs to have or to be met. 

.... I think that when you love someone, you care deeply about their well-being and you honestly just want them to be happy, with or without you, you really put your ego aside. Many people proclaim this famous bs line that they want you to be happy even if it's not with them, but then they try to guilt you into staying with them, even if it means you're needs aren't being met in this particular relationship,they're basically looking after their own ego's. 

Love isn't possessive, and I'm not just speaking in the abusive way, but possessive, in that it matters more to you if you aren't hurt or you aren't left, rather than if your partner is truly happy. And in the end these illusion type relationships get to a point where it's tiring to be in and it still ends up coming to nothing. 

Love is selfless, it knows no ego. It is giving of yourself entirely, it is wanting what is best for that person, even if it hurts you to the core. 
Sometimes it's simply for the feeling, the experience, but not meant to last. 
But even with the hurt, and sacrifices, it's beautiful and freeing...