Monday, 7 May 2012

Where do you lie

Dating and forming a relationship with someone is less of a spectacle when you are an ordinary person in society, rather than a celebrity, but questionable intentions are sometimes still there. Whether your new beau happens to be a notable partner at the business place, or a respected member of your church, have you evaluated your “true” intentions for dating them? Could you be dating someone for their status and the connections they have, or vice versa?
Although it might not be as noticeable, it should still be evaluated the same. Yes, a relationship is a give and take partnership, but make sure the intentions of both parties are pure, not professionally or personally beneficial. Nobody likes feeling or being used.
Are you benefiting from your partner, or is your partner benefiting from you in the wrong ways? Here are three problems with that type of relationship:
1. It leaves room for speculation 
None of us likes to be criticized for our relationship status or the reasons behind it, but a relationship based on convenience will always be questioned, whether the intentions are pure or not. 
2. What’s really keeping that person around?
While you would probably like to think that your man is with you because you’re just that awesome, if you’re being used, once what he’s trying to get from you is gone or withheld (money, contacts, sex, etc), you’re going to be left real fast. Being used like that and allowing it to happen in the hopes that something real will form can bring on more heartbreak than is necessary.
3. What type of statement are you making about yourself?
And if you are the user in this relationship, how are you representing yourself, taking part in a relationship that doesn’t seem meaningful? It could come across as saying that you are only the type of person who dates for status, money, convenience, etc. I’m not saying that you’re a goldigger, but…hey, you kind of are.

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