Hi Danny, how are you?.. I know we haven't been as close as we should be, because I'm really not that much older than you.. I guess it's my fault, because I've never really reached out.. But that's gonna stop from today. I'm here to talk to you, wanted it to be open and honest, and for the World to see that you're loved..
Let me say that you're beautiful, inside and out, always have and always will be, regardless of what anyone may say, and frankly it doesn't really matter what anyone says, because everyone has their faults, so let me say that if someone picks at your flaws, it's only because they're in denial about themselves. But that doesn't mean that you live up to their negative assumptions, live above it, take each negative word that they throw your way, and build yourself higher, at first you may cry about it, be mad about it, but don't ever live up to it, don't stay down, because you were destined for greatness.
Remember to always keep a good head on your shoulders, yes you're at an age where boys are the best thing out there, but really they aren't. You are priceless, act like it, because you know what? These same guys you meet now, who may want you to go through hell and back to prove to them you care, they're gonna be the same ones you see in the street years from now, doing the same thing they're doing now.. Nothing.. It's happened, to many women before you. You'll grow to realize that the sweet words they say, mean nothing, it's simply a way to get sex, yes you'll have feelings, even fall in love, but keep in mind that it probably won't lasts like you pictured it in your head. Take pride in yourself, know that you're worth something, you're not cheap, don't make yourself affordable to someone who can only buy KFC and give you children.
Be smart and know that you don't want or need drama in your life, walk away from it, and any guy who brings it to you, doesn't care, don't make excuses, any friend who brings it into your life, leave them behind, they were not a friend to begin with. Any family member who speaks it into your life, rebuke it. You are not negativity...
Yes you will fall short, but you won't remain there, yes you will want love, and when God is ready he'll send it. And he'll send something that never in a million you thought you would experience. Things may not always go the way you want it too, but it will always go the way it should have.
Remember you're a child of God, have respect, ask for forgiveness for the wrong you've done, accept your faults, try to improve them, learn to forgive and move on. Everything will fall into place. Just believe it will.. Do positive thing, and positive things will follow, be honest, and if you think that you can't be honest about certain things, then you shouldn't be doing it, lol I've learnt this and so I'm sharing it with you... Let as the months go by, you're the person you really want to be. Not the person you think your friends will like, but the person you're proud to be!
If ever you feel like you have to choose between actions that your friends will like and actions your family will approve of, choose the latter, it will pay off, you don't have to be lame, but remember that there is a life after school, you will meet people after, you will fall in love, you will go to University and be thrown into a whole different world, and you don't want negative things you did in the past, to follow you, because they don't stay behind..
So with this being said, I love you, I hoped I touched something in your heart and Remember that I'm always here... Without judgement.
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