Sunday, 30 September 2012

I'm no genius but i'm no ones dumbass

Please let's get this straight. Disrespect isn't only found in words,it's also found in actions. 
If a man or woman constantly undermines your efforts in a relationship, doesn't take your feelings into consideration, blatantly shows you that he doesn't care(except for when it comes close to him not being able to have sex with you anymore), then he/she is disrespecting you, you're just sex to the person. Any person who truly loves you and is mature enough to be in a relationship won't do you like that constantly. 

So please don't wait till i becomes verbal disrespect to say "I'm not taking any disrespect  . Because you've been taking it, why do you think he/she is verbally disrespecting you now???.......(Giving you a moment to process).... good

So when your partner disrespects you with their actions, let them know that you won't stand for it, don't just let it slide, and expect that he/she won't do it again!!! How dumb is that??? You sit and show him/her, that you don't value yourself, yet you want them to value you???.....ummmmm.... 

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