Saturday, 22 September 2012

Please leave me out!

Ok, so I've finally been here, more than enough times, and I think it's about time that I say something. Please leave me out of your relationship drama. I do not want to be apart of your falling out/fight/argument or whatever may happen. It puts your friends and family in an awkward position when you get them involved in your relationships dynamics!. It's a place where no outsider should go. Example

Jack and Jill had an argument, Jill then tells her friends and family about the fight, of course Jill exaggerates, and makes Jack look like he's just an asshole, and she did nothing wrong, or maybe she did something really small which of course she just through in to make her story believable. So now friends and family hearing this, after maybe a lot of fights, come to the conclusion that she should leave Jack alone because he is of no good they advise her on what they think is best(given the information they have received). Jack then tries to clear his name with the said friends and family, and in doing so, has shared information that wasn't heard before. Now they(friends and family) are placed in an awkward position. Should I tell Jill i know this new information?Or should I keep quiet because I don't want to make it worst. Lets look at scenario number one. 
So they inform Jill that Jack has given them the true details of what happened, Jill gets angry at Jack, Jack then gets angry at friends and family for saying anything. That relationship between Jack and family may now be destroyed, because he feels as though he can no longer trust them.(WHEN IN REALITY HE SHOULDN'T HAVE CALLED) Jack apologizes to Jill, they make up. Friends and family are no estranged to the couple, because of what was said. 

Scenario number two: Family and friends withhold the information for fear of making things worst between the couple. Jack and Jill make up, Jack tells Jill he told friends and family certain things, and then Jill becomes enraged that friends and family spoke to Jack and didn't tell her... (NOT FOR ACTUALLY LYING TO THEM)

See? either way it doesn't go well. So before you act like ten year olds, and share your relationship problems with everyone, just to be backed up. Take the time, talk it out, make love and move on. 

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