Saturday, 21 April 2012

Don't wait until it's too late

It's not okay to ignore serious matters in your relationship, whether it be infidelity or behavioural issues. I don't know who made it okay to ignore detrimental aspects of a relationship. Or who made it okay to expect anything less than what you give, I really don't know who made it okay to let someone walk all over us. But I am here to say that's it's not okay, and it's far from it. 

It's stupid, and reckless to ignore infidelity, because you put yourself at risk to get everything under the damn sun from an unfaithful partner, who just might think he won't get anything from this chick because she doesn't look like she has anything. It's your right to know, especially if you have unprotected sex with your partner. ASK if you have a suspicion. And yes, most guys will lie, but hopefully you can tell if he's lying, and just to be safe, use some protection, do some digging, or stop the sex, and yes he can go get it elsewhere, but a man who loves and respects you and understands your concerns, will not go anywhere else to get anything. He'll stick it out. 
Do not think that because he may lie, you won't ask, girl that is some 1500 shyt, back in the damn day, do not be stupid!.

Going to the damn moon and back for your man and him only going to the damn store for you is not cool. Some of them don't even want to do that. A relationship should have equality, And it is not "that's just how I am" or "that's just how men are". That is some high grade bs. Any man who loves,cares and respects you, will go beyond and above for you, don't let anybody take advantage of your good nature and affection. Hell, only be willing to go to the damn store for him, see if he don't start acting right when he catches on. But hey, then again, some of these fools are so bold they are going to act as though it's your God given right to be their damn slave. tell him GTFOHWTS(get the f outa here with that shit)

Ladies, please do not ignore important signs in your relationship, all in the name of love!. It will mess you up in the end. You are going to feel like a damn fool. Yes, you love him, yes you're a good person, get with someone who realizes that or talk to him if you feel that he can change and he just doesn't realize that you're really affected by some things in your relationship. Don't take for granted the magical wonders of communication,  because the next thing you know,it's going to be five-twenty years down the line, you've never really had a good relationship, you've never really been shown love and been appreciated, you've given up important experiences for a loser who doesn't care, you had a football team of his babies, and you're stuck in dead end relationship with a truck-full of regrets. It happens, just don't let it happen to you. 

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