Monday, 23 April 2012

Smell the breakup

I say it because I've experienced it, I say it because I know people who have experienced it. We've all been in love and maybe had one or two crazy relationships, but the main thing is for your you to learn and when you've learned something, you share it, you shed light. So that's what I am doing, I'm shedding some light on all of yall, please stop blocking your damn eyes!. 

First of all, why do we as women submit so much to men. Don't go getting your damn panties in a knot an picturing Celie from the Color Purple. I mean submit in a way that, you know what you want(hopefully), you know what you need and what you deserve. He is not giving it to you, and you're good with that, well maybe you aren't and you argue about it, but eventually you just let it go and take whatever bs is dished out. 

Every relationship is considered time and effort invested. But when that's basically all you really have, and that's the reason you continue to hold on, I can almost guarantee that 9/10 times, when it's over, you'll think of it as time wasted. Because it's going to be over, you're just holding onto.........idk.. God alone knows, because I'm sure that you don't even know. Please point me in the direction of one guy who says, this girl treats me like shit and doesn't care etc, but I've already invested so much time and effort that I can't leave her(I'll give you a minute to find one) ....... No guy?? huh that's strange.. Yes he might be there still, "holding on" with you and to you, but it's not because he's invested time, you're sure sex.... smh

Point me in the direction of a guy who says" When the main man cone back,these other guys have to know the timing"....(again I will wait)... Why do females do that?. Do we listen to ourselves?

It's not ok constantly to accept shit and play it off as "he's a man so I should accept that, because that's how men are".. No, that's how good for nothing men are. 

And unless he's slow he does need anything more than a few months to get with the mofo program. Stop making excuses!. Lemme guess, he doesn't know how to be faithful? Or he's not used to being in long term relationships with a girl like you? He's not used to being in a serious relationship. Oh please, you must have been dropped on your head if you believe that mess,or whatever else he throws at you. 

And you know what's funny, chances are when he calls off your relationship, he's going to meet someone, who will not compromise and he'll respect that and give her all the things you weren't getting from him. 

Learn to love you and the person that you are with, enough to realize that maybe you're better off being friends. When you're forcing it, it's not meant to be. Or you can still hold onto...well the slight chance that he may come around eventually.

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