Saturday 21 April 2012

Truth from a man

Relationships are hard! Women voice their concerns on a regular basis, leaving men with the option but to conform. Well, the men have also voiced their opinions ladies. We’re not the only one’s having issues with what’s going on. They’re just as exasperated with us as we are with them.
See what they have to say

Yes, you’ve had the same argument over and over. Yes, he is aware of how you feel about the subject but none of that matters because you keep asking him over and over. He’s given you the same answer to that question the first few times it’s happened. He’s now tired of recapping himself. You obviously don’t like the answer he’s giving you and he unquestionably hates that you’re inquiring again. This is why he lies. His first few unswerving responses didn’t suit, so now it’s time to make up an alternative. He’ll do whatever it takes to shut you up.

Women Claim to Want the Truth
In his eyes, if he told you the uncompromising truth every single time, you’d be disgusted. The truth is, he wishes that you would stop probing questions that you really don’t want the answer to. He spends time modifying words and sentences to account for your sensitivity. You’d be crying on a regular basis if he said what he felt, particularly during a disagreement. If only he could truly let it all hang out.

Although a women’s intuition is something you think comes from a higher place, he would undeniably beg to differ. In his opinion, you’re just snooping. If you truly trusted him, you wouldn’t be looking, intuition or not.  He doesn’t care what you say. No man wants to live with a CSI investigator. It’s not what he signed up for. If he checked up on you frequently, you wouldn’t like that kind of invasion. He warrants the same privacy he gives you
Negatively Talking About His Friends
You have your friends and he has his. The fact that you think his childhood friend is a complete bum, should be kept to yourself. The same way you love and defend your friends, he will too. They were friends before you entered the picture and will continue to be friends, should your relationship come to an unforeseen end. In spite of what you accept as true, men do understand loyalty.

Heart-to-heart Time
You have something to say and yes he may like to hear it but not if you’re doing it during the game. It’s his entertainment /relaxing time. He doesn’t bother you while you’re chatting on the phone with your girls, while watching Basketball Wives. By the way, talking while he’s on his way to sleep isn’t the best opening either. Talk time seems to occur at a lot of the in times. Yes, he may even just be dodging you but, “we need to talk”, is girl code for “you did something wrong and now you need to change”.  He feels like the talk is always going to be about something he needs to do.

No man constantly wants to hear about his inadequacies. He heard what you said and he’s working on changing. It’s not an overnight process. Why must you persistently repeat the same thing? He’s feeling bad enough about the situation. There is nothing else you’re going to say that will drive the point home any more than you already have.
Restricting his sex

Some prefer massage. Others may light it up or drink. Everything in the world is just fine while he’s having relations with you. However, when “happy hour” is rationed, it becomes frustrating. He already has to wait until you allow it to transpire. First, he gave in to idea of foreplay. Now, he has to wait for you to give the ok that foreplay can be attempted. Here he his now, wondering if women don’t have needs as well. Now you’re holding his favorite body part captive. He can’t catch a break.

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