Thursday 12 April 2012

The Little Things

It's far better to have quite a few little arguments in a relationship than to have one explosive one. If something arises, speak about it right away or as soon as possible... SPEAK,not shout or curse each other out, and don't walk off without it being settled., you guys came to an understanding or a compromise.  Don't ignore things because you are wiling to keep this individual, and hope that eventually they learn. Because they won't... It'll be a norm by then. 

The wrong person will always be the wrong person,you can't know it's the wrong person, and hope that he may one day turn into the right one. Little quirks,like leaving up the seat,ok.. Huge things like cheating..NO..RUN!!!. It's still going to be the same person ten years down the line, if that issue hasn't been dealt with. 

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