Friday 13 April 2012

Drama Free Please

Crazy stories have bombarded me recently. Usually I am the one with the craziness, but I was actually on the listening end this time, or these past couple of weeks. Anyway, through all the crazy I've heard, I really want to address a couple. Here goes. 

The person I am with is amazing in every sense of the word, exceeded every expectation and all that good stuff, now with all of that, there will be persons who will be infatuated with him,as well as persons who will be neither here nor there where he is concerned. Now, as a female we decipher who is where or in which category each female or certain females around him falls into,most females get this right and some are straight up wrong. When you gather this information after carefully checking the activity out, what do you do with it, you may ask? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, unless someone is blatantly disrespecting you and your relationship. If it's basic conversations(although some may have a hidden agenda),you do NOT act upon your human instinct to defend and ghetto instinct to beat down!!

In a relationship, which consists of two people, there is a mutual understanding. You know what you have to do, and what you should do, and I know the same. You know what is acceptable and therefore should do so, and I,the same. And if there comes a point where you feel like someone may be disrespecting your relationship,you should speak to your partner so that they can correct it. 

Women often get caught up in defending and letting others know that a man is taken, honey, why isn't he doing that?. He is in a relationship with you isn't he?. Man and woman alike try. They try to get with you if they are interested, and ones without morals, generally don't care whether the individual is taken, but you should be secure in your relationship that the person you are committed to, knows when to tell someone that they need to stop or they are inappropriate.  

If however you are insecure in your relationship, you need to take that up with your partner. Not involve possibly innocent beings into your union drama. Let him or her know that you feel threatened or that you are weary about a certain individual interacting with them, and from there your partner would address the issue. 
If said person assures you that you have nothing to be worried about, and he/she has not given you any reason to doubt their words, please believe them and drop the paranoia. It reflects poorly on your behalf, as well as the individual you are with. No one wants to be tied to a crazy,immature person who goes around'ensuring' that you know he/she is taken. That's some serious ratchet behaviour. 

It's not lady like or cute to be involved in drama. It's tiring and heavy on the mind and heart, if that's how you  do, do it by yourself or with people who do it with you, but not persons who have no interest in living a drama filled life,keep that heavy worrisome spirit to yourself. 

Thanks for reading. 

1 comment:

  1. wow, hmmm well said honey, nothing could be father from the truth. something we all could learn from
