Wednesday, 21 March 2012



Now ladies, you know I am all for embracing you, loving you, and accepting you. And we get that, and in your own way, you are beautiful, your beauty and my beauty may not be the same thing but you are beautiful, and self confidence in itself is Beautiful in the highest. But dang some of yall be realll ratchet *says in ratchet like voice*. I realize that not many of us, to put it kindly, know how to portray our inner beauty or properly portray our exterior beauty.
Now we’re all shaped differently, genetics and the whole works, and believe that if many of us could have chosen how we looked, we probably may have not changed our look entirely, but a couple of things here and there, be honest,  doesn’t have to be surgically altered. But there is nothing wrong if you want something a little different- lifted a bit, tucked in a bit. There isn’t anything wrong with that, you deserve to be happy and if that’s going to do it, then go ahead, but please remember that you have to love you from the inside first in order to love you on the outside.
Anyway, I’m basically on this topic because I’ve noted in my country, mainly, that some females are not aware of what to wear in order to flatter their body type. As I said before, we’re not the same, we don’t look the same, we don’t act the same, we don’t think the same way and we don’t have the same presence as the next person may have. Don’t know that you’re legs aren't what they use used to be and wear some short ass pants, or leggings that are laced, or white. Don’t do that. Don’t wear a top that has your stomach showing, especially if  it’s not firm or you have stretch marks or something, fix that shyt first or don’t show us, cause don't nobody wanna see that mess!!!!! Because although we are supposed to love each other, in reality we don’t love your faults, especially if we aren’t that tight. We do not need to see that. We don’t need to see your boobs in a top or a dress going different directions, or discovered gravity, cover that shyt up! You can still look sexy, but do it in a good, self respecting way that shows you love yourself, not that you don’t have respect for yourself, please be age appropriate. On that note you need to be real ladies, and know that what may look good on a skinny chick isn’t going to transfer well on a thick chick. A slender girl’s clothing is not going to have the same effect on a thick girl’s body or a skinny girl’s body or an overweight person’s body. I’m not bashing or hating but it’s the truth, do not deny it because you are going to make yourself look pretty stupid. I always say “Not because it’s in your size means you have to wear it.” Big girls, yes you gals think "I’m sexy, I can wear this, I look just as good as the size 2 chick." In reality you don’t always look that good, because to us on the outside, the only thing that’s going through our head is “Does she really think that was necessary?” “Is she serious?” I get that you’re confident but you also have to know what works for you and what does not. There are some cute big girl clothes that are appropriate, however, I will admit there isn’t enough and something needs to be done to accommodate the Larger DIVA.
 The same thing applies to smaller chicks, not everything looks good on you because you are smaller in size. Some of you do not possess the presence to wear some of the clothing, you don’t look all that in it, because there’s space where there isn’t supposed to be any. Do not think because I am small I can wear whatever and talk about the big girls like they “can’t touch this.”

Now all the rave is about styles, and shaving your head and coloring it crazymad colors that are feisty and outgoing and says a lot about your personality. However ladies, not all of the hairstyles that celebs may have would suit you, your figure, the shape of your head, your attitude, your presence when you enter the room, and many other variables. Don’t do yourself an injustice if you want a hairstyle that looks like Cassie and you don’t have any of the features that make her look good with the hairstyle, because then it won’t transfer good to you. Be real with yourselves ladies, find a style that suits not only your personality but your look, your body, your features, the shape of your face, and your profession. That’s all.

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