Thursday, 22 March 2012

Jah no starrr females

So I've been doing some research, as you may say, and I've looked into this because I know a number of females who have fallen into these categories and some make it into something 'good', which most times means that they've played it up in their minds. So my 1st term is 'baby mama'. Ok so I know that the correct term is 'Mother of his child',now that is what it is, you don't have to be a girlfriend, or a wife, or anything of significance to be a baby mama and that's why I think some females hate the term. Now if you're his girl and you have a child fathered by him, then you're his girlfriend and yall have a child. But since when does being a girlfriend with a child mean you're his WIFE?. He didn't put a ring on it and make it right before God. And if you don't like being just that, then change the situation, become a wife, and a WIFE, not a WIFEY. Which brings me to my second term, you can argue if you choose but don't go all in denial and don't take it in, soak it up and accept, because you'll be limiting yourself. Ok so there's good old saying that a man knows whether or not he's going to make you his Wife i.e. going in front of God and making things official and right in the eyes of the Lord, from a very early stage. And while some may that argue marriage is not for everyone *pulls out scripture as proof* and this may be true, then I don't expect you to have kids then either right? Because according to the Bible you shouldn't be making them out of wedlock, although, he does accept the baby. Another argument is you aren't 'there' yet or you're getting to know each other. That may work, but only if its only been 0-2 years. Anything past that, you are fooling yourself and it surely doesn't work if you guys have a child or children. Are you saying you've been having babies for a man you don't know? What kinda sick sh*t is that?. This excuse if for the not so religious folk who says marriage is just a piece of paper, but its not just that, it's a sacred thing between a man and woman, becoming one, and being so in the eyes of the Lord. Now if you don't believe in God, then we have a problem. Now another famous one is that it's such a commitment that you aren't sure you want to make, mind you so many times the person giving this excuse is already living with the guy, been with him for years, already has a child or children by him, brings up marriage, is faithful,does wifely duties, refers to herself as his wife and puts 'Married' as her relationship status on the ever so lovely Facebook. Who you tryna fool? You're doing a good job at fooling yourself, and I'll be damned if this person believes in God. Your Bible must be missing pages. Most times, this woman loves too much and is so willing to please her partner that she settles for mediocrity. I understand it's the love that needs to be there, and a piece of paper is nothing, but it's not just a piece of paper, it's a bond that symbolizes great things, one that is blessed by God. Playing house is simply that there is no such thing as a Wifey, truth be told, your a drag along, a girlfriend, the milk he got for free. And so many times, your relationship is over and what happens to you? He goes and marries this female he didn't know for long. Ladies don't let a man fool you with excuses and drag you along, put your foot down and demand the happiness you deserve and want. But, if marriage isn't for you now, and now being that you guys have been together for years and basically live a married life, beside the fact that you're shacking up living in sin, then there's more than you want to admit. If you don't be honest with yourself, you're gonna regret it in the end. It is what it is, a spade is a spade, don't convince yourself that it's a diamond ring.

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