Thursday, 22 March 2012

Does Anyone Really Care Anymore?

Does anyone really care anymore. Really? Do we really,honestly from the bottom of our hearts care? About anybody else. My personal opinion no,and I say this because we've become so self centered and so preoccupied with ourselves that anything that doesn't personally affect our own lives,doesn't bother us like it should. What really bothers me about this has a lot to do with religion,and many people even my pastor has said that I really do come down on Christians,and that's not necessarily a bad thing,because it makes us think. And thinking is a good thing,especially when its about us and the quality of our lives. Me,personally,I struggle with grasping how we as humans conveniently alter everything to suite us. For example we try to be good Christian or Muslim people and act as though God is at the forefront of our lives yet that's only in front of certain people,and many of us are guilty,its so much more important for us to please people,but really that's such a waste because your God can still see you. And many Christians say its not easy to be one,and I believe that in some sense,because we aren't perfect   but we have rules,set by God and yet we blatantly go against it,and then still act holier than ever,and use the excuse that its not easy etc. We want to be of God yet live in sin,consciously. Live in it,knowledgeable about what we're doing. I guess its because we say God is a forgiving one. But I think even God gets tired of it. Are you trying?are you really trying to live in the way you should? Its important that we aren't all about "self" it is  important that we love ourselves and take the time for us but look at yourself and ask if your life really exhibit what God would want it too. I don't know much but I do think that how you deal with your fellow man says a lot,especially to God,because if you don't care about your fellow man's hardship because it doesn't directly affect you,and you couldn't be bothered,or don't have the time to deal with anyone else or give anyone else,then you're not really doing what you should.

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