Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Blissfully Naive

Blissfully Naive 

I know of and I've heard of many females who go by this crazy saying that "he comes home to me" . Almost as though they're bragging..... But he's coming home to you after he's been else where with someone else? . Stop selling yourself short and embarrassing yourself. Naïve bliss is when a person looks at their relationship with a rose coloured lens. Reasons why people choose to live like this may be because they are scared of losing the person and would rather not cause a problem. Or it may be due to the fact that they are extremely passive and do not want to deal with anything that is not directly brought to their attention. Regardless of the reason, this person is still making a conscious decision to live in a state of denial about what may or may not be going on in his/her relationship.
 In your relationship you may start to get the feeling that something just isn’t right. Women have been known to have a sixth sense, it is called intuition.  Are you really better off not knowing? Can you really be in a happy, fulfilling relationship if you are choosing to live in “naïve bliss”? Is the saying, what you don’t know can’t hurt you, true? Whether or not you choose to ignore the fact that your partner might be cheating doesn’t change his/her actions. If you are not one of those women who checks a man’s phone or stalks his social media networks, there is always that gut feeling, don't ignore it.
I am firm believer that a woman’s gut is her greatest tool, don't be blind to what may be right in front of your face. Every woman owes it to herself to be honest and forthcoming and find out what is really going on in their relationship. It may be nothing, or it may be an arising issue that you really should be aware of. 

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