Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Dangerously in Love.

Dangerously in Love.

Most relationships are exciting in the beginning, and for some of us, the more excitement, the more captivated we are, often mistaking dysfunctional for normal. Although not all unhealthy relationships mean abusive, there are many signs that it is indeed unhealthy, and harming us more than anything. So I'm here to share some warning signs to look out for. Enjoy and feel free to share :) 
1) He/She is always angry or has a temper for little things. Many times this leads to physical abuse. You know the type, short fuse, gets angry for something that makes you go :s "huh??? wth just happened there??" and when he realizes, he apologizes and blames it on work or something other than himself. Please don't mistake this as a sign of caring.

2) No equality in the relationship. He/She is the hero and you're the sidekick. 

3) Jealousy is never cute on anyone. If your guy/girl makes scenarios in his/ her head about you and someone else and then tries to make you stop interacting with that person or people because "something is going on" or "you're being too friendly". If there's always a feeling of having to defend yourself and hide things that are innocent, just for the sake of not arguing. Stop, pack and get outa there!

4)Physically abusive. Please don't take that apology, once an abuser, always an abuser, give him/her a number for a psychologist. 

5) Verbally abusive. Most people who are verbally abusive will try to play it off as though they are not, or you are the reason they tell you those things. They try to make you feel low and break you. This really is their own insecurities. Verbal abuse hurts just as much as a punch. Do not tolerate that from anyone!! Tell him/her sort his/her shyt out!!

6)Abuses drugs. If that's how yall roll then kudos for you. But if it's one partner and he/she becomes abusive when they take drugs/drink, pack yo shyt!!

Seriously guys, please don't take these things for granted and think it will get better. Nothing gets better just like that, help needs to be sought first. 

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