Monday 26 March 2012

Take Your Mind off it ;)

What do you do when hormones are raging and there’s no man in sight?
1. Play with “Toys”
Nothing says “self love” like a visit to your nearest sex toy shop or website. Host a pleasure party, inviting your girlfriends over for a little fun while stocking up on some goodies to hold you over until you meet a man worthy of YOUR goodies.
2) Get A Massage
It’s sensual without being sexual, and just as relaxing as sex – and you don’t have to feel guilty for just lying there. You can even take a nap!
Rock a spin class, go for a brisk walk or jog, or try kickboxing. And if you’re really bold, hire that fine trainer at the gym so you can get some one-on-one attention while getting healthy at the same time. Working out releases pent up stress and gives off the same “feel good” endorphins that sex does – and you’ll be in love with your new body, not sex crazed. 
4)Go Out!!!
Take your mind off of it. 

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