Monday 26 March 2012

Some daily titbits

If someone wants to leave, then let them go! No amount of begging, pleading, or trying to convince someone to stay with you is worth it. Please let them go! 

Any man who is interested in being with you will find the time, make the time, and create the time for the woman he wants to be with. There will be no excuses. There will be no, “I don’t have time for you,” statements. Any woman worth having and getting is worth putting the time and effort in pursuing and keeping.

Sometimes it's ok to put aside your pride and ask for help, especially if it's going to benefit you a lot in the long run.

Can't want better for somebody who doesn't want better for them self 

He who knows how to read but chooses not to, is no better off than he who does not know how to. 

Night Night guys 

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